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Next level nutrition: That brings you magnesium!

Next level Nutrition: Das bringt dir Magnesium!

Hannes Beyer |

Would you say of yourself that you are athletic? If so, then the following scenario sounds familiar to you with absolute certainty: You really exhausted yourself during the workout in your favorite box. Your body has felt all the pressure that your everyday life burdens you with. Under a heavy dumbbell, you yelled at everything that was on your mind. But at the latest on the day after the strenuous session you will experience the blue miracle: Your neck is tense because the dumbbell was probably wrong. The legs are blocked and protest again before every step. Why is your optimal recovery failing and how can you prevent your body from feeling worn out on a regular basis? The wodstore helps! A spoiler in advance: Pay better attention to your nutrient and mineral balance!

What is magnesium anyway?

Magnesium is a light metal. Even if the fact that we have to consume metals seems a bit strange at first, it is logical in itself, after all we also need comparable substances such as small amounts of iron. Magnesium is found in large amounts in avocados, nuts of all kinds, bananas and cocoa. But as a kind of benchmark to support the rest of your diet: Orientate yourself on the leaf or plant green. Plants that are brimming with chlorophyll have magnesium present in significant proportions.

In summary, magnesium is a type of metal that, apart from the periodic table, is also relevant for our balanced diet. But what use can athletes, amateur athletes and people with strenuous job descriptions derive from the element, which is available in tiny doses?

Magnesium as an indirect sedative:

In order to explain magnesium, we have to go deeper into your and our organism. At the beginning of every movement and every action in our body is the membrane potential. The membranes of our fluid spaces, i.e. parts of the cells, are charged to different degrees. The partition walls, i.e. membranes, are semi-permeable, i.e. partially permeable and, as the name suggests, allow a certain concentration of particles to pass through them. Here we have to differentiate again from you: The membrane potential can, simply explained, be divided into resting potential and action potential. When an action potential is present, a process is stimulated, but not when it is at rest.


Our cells exchange electrical energy back and forth across the membranes to trigger actions. A distinction is made between action potential, when an action is stimulated, and resting potential, when the "normal voltage" in the cell space has been restored.

And where does magnesium come into play?

Magnesium is there and is useful for maintaining resting potential. In plain language and explained less biologically, this means for you that your body returns to its normal state more quickly after an action. Ultimately, magnesium ensures that as a supplement your body "comes down" faster. Due to this, the fatigue of your body is reduced. So after the workout and the onset of the effect of magnesium, you have returned from your high performance to your normal state more quickly and at the same time you are able to sleep better and thus be able to go full throttle again in the next class.

Benefits of magnesium in everyday life:

Supplements not only have a positive effect on athletes or athletes. Supplements serve much more to support a permanently healthy lifestyle. Accordingly, it is not surprising that essential substances such as magnesium affect your entire body. Among other things, magnesium is able to support your cardiovascular system. In the case of widespread common problems such as high blood pressure or circulatory problems, magnesium provides relaxation and accordingly makes you more efficient to a certain extent without much effort.

The same effect unfolds on your brain, because signals can be processed faster and the "wires" in the brain can be used more efficiently. In combination with magnesium, you are not only recovered faster, but also better.

Magnesium as a supplement for everyday life:

Dietary supplements, as the name suggests, do not replace clean eating on your part. But once you have your diet under control, you can fine-tune it. The wodstore helps you with two variants to integrate magnesium sensibly after the workout or before the night. On the one hand there is the fos Mag+ . It's a kind of superfood in a can, because the combination of zinc and magnesium, electrolytes and BCAAs brings you back down to earth in the best way after a max out. Recovery, but fruity, because blood orange and ginger give the mineral cocktail a bittersweet aftertaste that tastes more like a bar than a supplement.

Optimum performance: close your eyes and recover!

On the other hand, we also have something in store for you that will turn your night's sleep into an AMRAP in eight hours. Sleep and recovery from Optimum Performance delivers. Ashwagandha reduces stress, magnesium and zinc reduce the physical pressure to perform. Natural raw materials, natural effect. From here on you no longer need chemicals for optimal relaxation, just good drinks and the power of nature!

How are you? Is magnesium built into your recovery routine or haven't you jumped on the bandwagon yet? Feel free to comment and exchange ideas!

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