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The Benefits of Coconut Water: An Endless List for Athletes!

Die Vorteile von Kokosnusswasser: Eine Liste ohne Ende für Sportler!

Hannes Beyer |

The workout was tough, the class heated up within minutes. The sun is beating down on air bikes, dumbbells and the like. If your circulation hadn't already been pushed to its limits, it would now be about to throw in the towel a second time, in the truest sense of the word. Now is the time to hurry, your body needs nutrients and fluids. Best of both a lot and best of both quickly. But finding drinks that deliver bombastic ingredients, are readily available and, above all, taste good is a hopeless endeavor? Or? Not quite! With today's blog entry, the wodstore team brings you closer to the benefits of coconut water and describes how many things you can do to do your body good with it!

The origin of the coconut water:

You won't be surprised if we say that coconut water is not a "German invention". We simply don't provide the right climatic basis for this. But in tropical countries, coconut water has a long tradition, both as a tool and as a kind of simple food source. The food source is easy to explain: the coconuts serve as natural packaging, a kind of insulation against predators, climate fluctuations, etc. The water in them stays fresh for a long time and is almost always hygienic and ready to drink thanks to the insulation, even for several months if the nut remains closed.

At the same time, the coconut also serves as a natural remedy due to its ingredients. In developing countries and for vacationers, coconuts serve as first aid for dehydration because the electrolytes contained in coconut water can be converted and used immediately within the body. Coconut water is, you might guess, a natural performance drink of sorts.

How does coconut water help preventively for athletes?

The health-promoting effects of coconut water have apparently been clear for ages in all parts of the world. But what makes coconut water the performance drink of the 21st century? What transfer can be made from "simple water" for your organism? And in the end, only one question counts: do drinks like Coconaut help you improve your snatch? We have specifically picked out a few points and show benefits for your inner being!

Point one: the ingredients

The example of tasty supplements such as Coconaut makes it clear: what is on the label is also in the product. And what it says on it is the full charge of electrolytes! Magnesium, potassium, sodium, phosphorus, calcium and a veritable flood of cytokines ensure a mineral balance that has washed itself. The bottom line is that coconut water can cause other supplements to disappear from your drawer or cupboard. And all based on natural raw materials and ingredients. You can hardly bring your body into shape in a cleaner way!

Point two: Coconut water as an iso drink

Isotonic drinks help everyone, but especially in the cosmos of fitness and self-optimization, a real run has developed in this direction. But what is the reason for this run?
For this we have to once again delve deep into the cells of our body. The cells are separated from each other by membranes. Substances and liquids diffuse through the semi-permeable cell walls, the membranes, when there is an imbalance of substances between inside and outside the cell.

Too professional? Then we explain more simply!

The cell membranes are walls that only allow substances and liquids to move back and forth between the interior of the cell and the exterior under certain conditions. It is always important on which of the two "sides of the membrane" the concentration of substances is more pronounced. Starting from the side on which there is a higher concentration of substances, parts of it migrate to the less "densely populated" part of the organism.

Isotonic drinks have the same substance concentration as is specifically found in blood cells. Technically speaking, both things, i.e. iso-drinks and blood cells, have the same osmotic pressure. This means that nothing has to diffuse, i.e. be exchanged back and forth. The minerals, the essential nutrients, can be processed directly and do not first have to go through internal utilization processes. For you as an athlete, this means: full throttle again, packed with everything your body demands!

Point three: “cleansers” of the immune system

Coconut water is also unofficially used as a nature-based first aid for diarrhea and immune failures. Although this topic is more than unappetizing for all of us, it only strengthens the positive effect of coconut water. The high amount of potassium improves blood flow, which allows the heart to work more cleanly. At the same time, the cytokines “flush” out a certain amount of toxins and subliminally support the kidneys. Combined with the enzymes found in the water, coconut water also works to whip your digestion into shape.

In summary, supplements like Coconaut 's provide the right dose of naturalness, support you in terms of health and performance in equal measure and taste great at the same time. With Coconaut, for example, you can choose between four different flavors. Do you prefer Pineapple or do you prefer natural? Hydration is your choice from now!

what does your fridge look like Has Coconaut already found its place in the cooler?

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