The Fitness Bundesliga is back - we were there!

Die Fitness Bundesliga ist wieder am Start-Wir waren dabei!

Hannes Beyer |

When it comes to functional fitness, there are quite a few events that no longer need to be described in big words. It's not always just about the games, not just about Wodapalooza. Even on a small scale, competitions are pounded out of the ground almost every week, which are created with spirit, community and blood, sweat and tears. Something about these happenings is particularly magical: athletes, in this case from all over Germany, come together and compete against each other, measuring themselves on barbells and squat racks. The Fitness Bundesliga is one of the formerly small sports events that are now attracting an ever-growing audience. The Play Offs of the Fitness Bundesliga took place on May 20th, 21st and 22nd. In order to pull you back into the wake of a competition a week later, in which chalk flies towards the spectators from every direction, in which athletes of all shapes and colors push their limits, let's go back to the floor. Are you ready for the recap?

Our athlete briefing: How did the Fitness Bundesliga come about?

Germany is a fit country. But being fit and measurably working on your fitness are two different things. A few years ago, the idea of ​​bringing fitness to the people with an assessable scale matured. There should be no limits for boxing, athletes or gender: all that counts is athletic ability, mobility and maximum strength. This essential idea has always been promoted and realized by three men who have sport in their blood (although not all of them look like it).

Nico "the Bremen Mamba" Bade:

Nico Bade is the first. His path led him out of Thuringia, through a temporary career as a mountain infantryman, to the capital Berlin, where he steadily grew his sporting talent as a student and bartender with a broad build. He has since settled in Bremen and is the owner of the functional fitness studio "Mamba Gym". So the Iron Bug now rules his life, predestined to drive the league to new heights.

Nico Bade, founder of FITNESS BUNDESLIGA and CrossFit Box Mamba Gym

Simon (support) supporter

Stützer is not just the name of the pillar of the Fitness Bundesliga. In a way, he is the concept provider and creative mind, since he founded the Boulder Bundesliga himself in 2015. It is obvious that climbing and strength are not far apart in everyday movements. Since then, he has been an integral part of the planning and implementation of the annual athletes' gathering.
Simon Stützer, founder of Boulder Bundesliga and JANOVA

Maximilian "the human AMRAP" Kelm

Max is the reason for everything you can see when you search for the league. He is the driving force behind media and digital. Pictures, videos, streaming, hosting - he is everywhere where there is suffering and fighting. In terms of sport, he locates himself more pressing under the leg press than in the snatch, but his love for fitness has been burning for years. Nico is the mastermind, Simon the concept provider and Max captures everything that should be captured.

Maximilian Kelm, founder of FITNESS BUNDESLIGA and wodstore

How was this year's season?

Max not only belongs to the Fitness Bundesliga, but is also the founder of wodstore and had a stand at the start. So it's no wonder that we let him give a first-hand account of how he felt about the past weekend. We clearly split between wodstore and league, so that you can even take two perspectives with you.

Experience grows, PR's increase

“The third year of the Bundesliga in Mühlhausen started, the fourth year overall. The traditional host was once again the Hotel Stadt Mühlhausen. 24 of 150 participating teams honored each other.

The first milestone, although not primarily a sporting one, was the organically grown athletes' dinner. The annual get-together before the workouts is very important to us for the exchange among each other and for the collegial spirit, which is what makes this type of training in competitions and boxing so special.”

Background is running, the surface is burning:

“This year, for the first time, everything really went smoothly. The organization was great, the media team was perfectly attuned to all circumstances. The judges were experienced and well prepared. From my point of view, in 2022 we also delivered the best final so far. In terms of both excitement and skill, there was hardly anything to beat this year. Crossfit Vitus became champion, Crossfit Gengym fought their way up to third place after a worse 2021 for them. Absolutely impressive what the teams have achieved there!”

Workout Gear delivers customer contact

“But from the point of view of the wodstore, the experience was at least as valuable. We were there with a stand as a vendor and, after a long phase of the pandemic, really enjoyed talking to everyday heroes and athletes again. We've been able to get new clothes out there and get tons of feedback, both incredibly positive and constructively negative.
wodstore fitnessbundesliga

Seeing the new t-shirts, leggings and our belts in such a crowd of real people shows once again that we seem to be doing something right. Honestly: seeing our socks on a competition floor; that makes me so proud!

By the way, some of the next events have already been decided: The Buddy Cup, Battle the Beach and the German Throwdown are waiting for us!”

photos by Frank Fischbach, @phipps___ and @snatchandsnaps

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