From football to your own CrossFit® box

Vom Fußball zur eigenen CrossFit® Box

Nils Bodendiek |

At the start of our podcast, which is intended to shed light on all facets of the community, we got none other than Franzi from CrossFit® Go Ahead in front of the camera and microphone to give you an insight into the founding of boxing, an athlete's career and an outlook on Franzi's competitions. Who else should we definitely talk to? Let us know who is interesting to you and who is considered the voice of the community!

Here's the video

Click here for the podcast on Spotify (The podcast is available on all known platforms)

Wodmagazin - the podcast Maximilian Kelm Franziska Kalloch - From football to your own box

Franzi, 34 and owner of CrossFit® Go Ahead in Hamburg. The box has only been in operation for almost exactly a year and has been badly hit by the lockdown since October/November. So it was necessary to be inventive. Franzi and the Go Ahead team offered the members an outdoor gym, at least given the circumstances, to keep fit.

The sporting beginnings:

But for Max and accordingly for you too, it's all about Franzi herself. She has dedicated her entire professional life to sport. Although she started a classic office education, fitness in general has always crept into her life. 16 years of football, combined with part-time jobs as a bicycle courier and a trip to triathlon, have had a strong impact on her endurance and stamina.

The way out of football:

Wodmagazin - the podcast Maximilian Kelm Franziska Kalloch - From football to your own box

Football has taken its toll over the years. Knee, permanent injury potential (patella luxation + cartilage damage), the classic player canon. That's why the reorientation began at the age of 30, new, sporting challenges had to be found. But the way to do this has already been mapped out. In the last year of his ball career, Franzi was bitten by the Iron Bug, and functional fitness became an increasingly important topic in the sporting life of the current owner. According to her, the way to CrossFit® Go Ahead was primarily shaped by a thought that many ambitious athletes are probably familiar with: How do I keep fun in sports without being injured and can I continue my education? The aspect of constantly varied fitness helped her to make holistic progress.

The road to the box:

What brought Franzi significantly further in the direction of CrossFit® was the increase in performance and the early recognizable idea of ​​coaching. She says herself that functional work resulted in a real boost on the pitch and in the game. More power, better performance in duels, more steam on the boiler. That's where Franzi's tip comes from: combining functional and enduring sportswear with one another. Constantly varied. This aspect of "staying hungry" ultimately led Franzi to found Go Ahead. In addition to the purely sporting aspect, there was another reason: Franzi wanted to do her own thing. Do sport when you want and continue learning at the same time.

Wodmagazin - the podcast Maximilian Kelm Franziska Kalloch - From football to your own box

Crossfit® Go Ahead during Corona:

But Corona also had difficulties in store for Go Ahead. Starting a new business always comes with its own pitfalls. Things like funding, buying equipment, and building a community are all factors that absolutely lead to a nail-biter. In the first year, however, Corona meant that you had to deviate from the normal concept of a class and a box in the open gym. However, the new workout family from the far north persevered. In the meantime, the number of members is growing, everyday life returns to the company. Who would have thought that in less than a year after its founding, such a close-knit community would emerge!

Franzi's competition ambitions:

Franzi sets off privately in the direction of Battle the Beach and wants to get a taste of competition air again. Team Lift (but not) Heavy is building up pressure and we're looking forward (hopefully together with you) to a weekend full of PRs and pulses above the 140 mark.


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