Victory Grips - learn to fly while doing pull-ups

Victory Grips - Fliegen beim Klimmzug lernen

Hannes Beyer |

Pull-ups are among the most difficult tasks an athlete can face in a workout. While there are far more complex movements to master over time, pull-ups almost always go straight to the base. The strain on the muscle groups does not stop in the back. It runs down the back of the neck to the biceps and forearms, settles in the fingers and spreads down to the core and quads. But it literally only gets really exciting where the skin gives way. After rows of reps and the fourth workout with a 21-15-9 scheme within a short time, even the strongest heel of the hand finally gives up the ghost. Victory Grips were created for purposes like these. We will introduce you to the brand, explain how you can recognize good grip and how you can optimally protect your hands from too much strain in the long term.

What do grips do for pull-ups?

Grips are basically there to give you grip. To do this, you wrap a prefabricated form around your wrist and palm, which simulates a kind of second skin to rest on the pull-up bar or barbell. With good goods, this second skin is made of robust materials. With the grips forming an intermediate plane between you and the bar or weight, two benefits develop:

First and foremost is health protection. It doesn't help if fitness is your passion, but your hands are broken from constant friction stress. You cannot expect complete protection against calluses, but you can expect balm against scraped skin and blood on the barbell.

Second, however, comes the reinforcement of grip as such. This is determined on the one hand by the material, but on the other hand also by your interaction between hand and grip. Leather or, as in the case of Victory Grips, rubber polymer with Kevlar, which is often used, ensures adhesion beyond good and evil. The rough surface of the hand guards counteracts the rough material of the iron and the structures interlock. The result? You are locked and loaded for an AMRAP of pull ups. But grips also absorb sweat. Depending on how breathable and skin-friendly the material is, you grip better. After all, sweat won't irritate your palms and make the bar you're hanging from slippery. So what should you look out for with good grip? Pattern, material and style!

How are Victory Grips constructed?

Whether for men's or women's hands, the Victory Grips are state-of-the-art grip technology. Constructed of synthetic microfiber, they are slim fitting and intentionally breathable. As a result, you don't lose touch through sweat inside the grip and sometimes make the grips worthless for your workout. Most styles, including the X2, have two-hole and three-hole versions, so you don't have to switch to a different grip style if you've trained differently beforehand. Another advantage lies in the detail: the closures on the wrist are reinforced, deliberately kept narrow and padded. For you, this means that the Victory Grips do not cut into the skin and joints, even during movements that bend your wrist severely. Full mobility, full flexibility!

What makes them different from other handguards?

Many roads lead to Rome, but few to the top. Some athletes prefer grips made of leather when they go to the gym every day, while others prefer synthetic grips. Still others also use chalk on the handguard, others leave it out. We cannot give you a uniform tip here. However, what describes the Victory Grips aptly is the state of the art in research and technology used here. The protectors are intentionally narrow to fit snugly and effectively on the palm of your hand. The competition is often, if not always, satisfied with bulky patterns. The second benefit you can get from your grips is the soft padding. The synthetic mix of fabrics and the different layers of material keep everything "nicely wrapped" and have just enough room to move to let your body work!

Despite everything-torn hand: what now?

Two things are required here: haste and care! Because no matter how much fun you have with your workout and every rush you get from a particularly successful deadlift, you've injured yourself. You should therefore weigh up very carefully whether and to what extent it still makes sense to continue training straight away. Sometimes at least a few minutes to clean up and "assess" is what keeps you from deeper pain. We are just as aware as you are that in a competition like the German Throwdown or the WOD Up, adrenaline and the will to win prevail. In the affect, only emergency solutions can take effect. Emergency solution because they simply do not replace medical care.

Knight in shining armor:

what helps you Velite's Care Balm . The Care Balm massages you before you even apply it. What sounds pompous has a system. 100% natural fabrics, essential oils, no-frills layout. Abrasions, torn calluses and everything you don't like to talk about when your hands, maltreated on the barbell, burp open at Aunt Bertha's family celebration: Faster away with Velites!

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