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Compression: The panacea for sore muscles?

Kompression: Das Allheilmittel für schmerzende Muskeln?

Hannes Beyer |

Diamonds only form under pressure. There's more truth to this saying than you might think. After all, you torment yourself day in, day out in your box, and not just at half throttle. You as an athlete, you as an ambitious person push yourself where it is to your advantage. But when does the pressure become too much? Stupidly answered, we can tell you: If you hurt yourself, then you definitely overdid it with ambition and bite. But what else counts as an indicator that muscles and tissues have been strained? The muscle strain! It can last from a few hours of increased effort climbing stairs to a week of agonizing tossing and turning in bed because every position is still tight.

(Admittedly, in most cases, muscle soreness levels off in between one to three days. You might have days of pain after your first workouts in the box before you took foundation classes, or after three days of All Out a competition. But otherwise the pain will (hopefully) be limited.)

But what can you do to help your body when everything pinches at every end? We will show you the advantages of compression, both in sports and afterwards on the couch!

Compression Shirts and Lifter Wear: Why?

Garments designed for compression may be new, but they're no longer rocket science. Although it actually comes from cardio-based sports and athletes with an endurance focus, sleeves have also been firmly established as competition suits in weightlifting and powerlifting for years (in the truest sense of the word). But what transfer does such clothing have for your personal workout? Is such gear a more or less technical gimmick or does it actually increase performance?

Point 1: air supply

Compression shirts are breathable. This feature helps you especially in longer amraps, but also in endurance sessions and "death by" workouts. In any case, gym wear with a compression component is particularly suitable in summer to influence your cooling. Breathable simply means that water vapor can escape through the fine pores of your clothing. Thus, your sweat is transported "by itself to the outside" through scientific conditions. Of course, this diffusion does not work perfectly, after all there is a layer of fabric between the skin and the outside area that absorbs the sweat. However, compared to other textiles, you cool yourself down much more easily. Especially with intervals on the rower or on the ski erg, you will notice that your stamina increases.

Point 2: blood circulation

The actual, most scientifically based benefit of compression garments is not in the diffusion of liquid, but in the pressure that is exerted on the tissue. Compression clothing fits snugly. You should be able to put them on easily, but shirts and the like with compression properties should actually feel way too tight. Only then do the desired effects work as they should. The pressure that is created on your tissue is said to have a positive effect on blood flow through the veins within the body. Improved blood flow means: You get oxygen and nutrients faster, which are essential for strength and stamina. With an additional cover you can easily make yourself stronger or more functional. While the venous blood flow, i.e. the blood flow running through veins, is supported, the arteries expand and allow more oxygen into the organism. Figuratively speaking, your body improves its internal breathing through the pressure exerted from the outside.

Point 3: Perceived stability

The tighter a material sits on our bodies, the more secure we feel. Similar effects can be observed from weighted duvets to compression clothing: We feel more secure, held in a certain way. Singlets in weightlifting and powerlifting are deliberately chosen to be narrow in order to give athletes of all weight classes a boost within the competition guidelines that would not be possible without a suit. So even a "non-intrusive" piece of clothing can help you psychologically to overcome barriers and set new records. Have you ever attempted a 1RM lift or push with a compression shirt or even a competition singlet? Maybe this small, modifiable point will help you to overcome your plateau!

Compression for recovery:

What originally only compression stockings could do and what seems more medical, but in any case not particularly stylish, is now much more technical and has found its way into therapy and training. Manufacturers such as Compex have dedicated themselves entirely to compression and the associated regeneration for recreational athletes, athletes with competitive experience and squad members. Their recovery boots take advantage of the aspect of improved blood circulation to help your legs overcome muscle soreness and swelling. The compression waves stimulate the covered tissue and thus encourage internal healing. You may feel as if your legs were under vacuum, but after the treatment you will be walking on clouds!

What does your box or home gym look like? Do you use compression for personal gain, or have we just got you hooked? Let us know via comment!

1 comment

Danke für den Beitrag. Ich kann – als Lipödempatientin – nur sagen, dass Kompression einfach Gold ist. Nicht nur im Training. Ich trage seit Jahren nur Kompressionsleggings zum Training, auch weil ich dadurch die medizinische CC2-Hose weglassen kann (in meinem Fall). Lymphdrainage nach dem Sport ist wirklich ein Traum und der Lymphautomat tut seinen Dienst auch bei der Regeneration nach dem Sport.
Ein Tipp nur: besser ist es, wenn man bei dwr Behandlung liegt, damit es nicht zu einer Stauung in der Leiste kommt.


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