A year of wodstore in blog form - we look back

Ein Jahr wodstore in Blogform-Wir blicken zurück

Hannes Beyer |

At the beginning of June 2021, the wodstore blog was relaunched and the wodmagazin saw the light of day. Since then, an incredible amount of work has gone into the website and the contents of the shop. More than 100 articles have been created, some of which are still waiting for you in our hindquarters. In addition, there are tons of hours in the backend, i.e. within the product descriptions, the FAQ pages and in the form of newsletter texts that keep you constantly informed. We're taking the one-year anniversary of our "Functional Fitness Magazine" as an opportunity to explain our work to you. What else is happening next to the shop? What tips and tricks do you need to keep in mind? How does the work at the wodstore actually work? And most importantly: How have we been able to develop over the course of the year, also thanks to you?

What do we want to achieve with wodmagazin?

The wodmagazin is and was intended as a mouthpiece for you from the start. It not only serves to present new products and to provide tools for regeneration and training. It was primarily created for the purpose of providing you with added value as part of the functional fitness community. But what are added values ​​for us? After all, with graphics and a few lines of text, we can't make your deadlift shed 20 kilos overnight. But we can search for words. These words affect you as an athlete and as a person. Although we are not life coaches in written form, we see ourselves as a kind of calendar for fit people. You keep checking in with us and you learn new things that you can use in the workout and in the box. Seen in this way, we accompany you in everyday life without being intrusive.

One tool, two purposes

At the same time, the wodstore and thus the wodmagazin also serve as a shop, so we also use the blog for this. We deal with our assortment via news and helpful impulses. However, we don't believe in just handing you a new skipping rope or dumbbell and bluntly singing the praises of it. Even when we advertise things that we sell, it's just carryover for your brain or brawn. This can happen either by providing you with exercises or by showing you the meaning of certain tools. But nevertheless: You will grow with us, because we have grown together with you and a large number of other people over the last year. Our blog serves to present us from our best side. At the same time, we help you on the jumps in terms of sport.

How did wodmagazin come about?

Admittedly, we took one step too many and jumped right into our goals, into our mission statement, with this blog post. But after a year of wodmagazin we should actually start somewhere else: how was the blog born?

The story behind it is quickly told and yet inspiring. It says an awful lot about Max and Nils' work ethic. Incidentally, both have remained true to this ethic to this day, if not even gone further down the path of work-work balance. At the end of May last year, Max called for supporters of the wodstore via an Instagram story. It was about content, that's all that wasn't clear at the beginning. Previous experience in functional fitness and journalistic work is requested, but not a must. I could deliver both. So I "applied" to Max. A few voice messages later, the foundation for my trial article was laid. Half a day later it was in Max and Nils' mailbox. The rest is history. Since then I've been part of the team.

A little personal:

However, I have not yet revealed why I wanted to join the wodstore, which will also be new territory for the two boys when they get this article in front of them. A few weeks before I began writing for one of functional training's most charismatic players, I sat in front of my laptop like a little boy, waiting. The first drop from Lift Heavy, the wodstore's own clothing brand, was in the starting blocks. At 6 p.m. sharp, I struck and secured my hoodie. So I've been working for the two guys for well over a year now. However, I'm not primarily on the team because I'm paid for it. I was already a customer and a fan of what the store stands for. In the meantime I can realize myself with a largely free hand.

What am I trying to convey to you? Three articles were created within the first day. Two days later the blog went online for you. We turned an idea into a result in less than a week, which is still growing and continuing to this day. And some articles, especially in the beginning, were the result of working at two in the morning because that was the only time left (which brings us back to work ethics). We don't want to give you a strange cult about eternal working hours. What we want to say is: We were and still are keen on what we do. That's why we've stayed on the ball to this day. As a reader, you motivate us to continue and produce content for you. Returns and profits are all well and good, but returns without a soul are worth nothing.

Where do we want to go? The wodmagazine of the future

The wodmagazin lives through you as an everyday athlete, as a weightlifter and gymnast. That is why we are simply dependent on you. After hundreds of hours of work, brainstorming, and structural analysis, we've come a long way. But we are still at the very beginning. Our goal in the near future is to focus even more on your needs. Do you want to know something about porridge or are you interested in how to get more stability under a heavy dumbbell? Then tell us! We are part of a large community of sports enthusiasts and want to be perceived as such. So whenever you have a topic in mind that should be discussed: Bring it on! After a few days, sometimes even after weeks, you will surely read about it. Fitness begins with an individual. So why shouldn't wodmagazin also target people like you and us? No question is too profane, no topic is ignored or dropped in the long term. Not even porridge.

We are part of you

In the end, all that remains is to say thank you. A loyal readership cannot be taken for granted and must be appreciated. But as already mentioned: We have only just begun! From now on it's: AMRAP wodmagazin!

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