Your bar in the Wodstore: With caffeine and recovery drinks to more performance

Deine Bar im Wodstore: Mit Koffein und Recovery Drinks zu mehr Performance

Nils Bodendiek |

Caffeine and cold drinks: It has been proven that a nutrient-rich drink is the number 1 athlete's drug for not only massive performance but also massive taste before and after a workout. From coffee as a buy-in, to boosters and Fos before training, to Fitaid for the end of the day: We at Wodstore bring drinks of all kinds to the athletes of this country. We have prepared a guide to ensure you have the best liquid nutrition throughout your day.

Ripped and Roasted as a kick-off event in the morning

Coffee. The panacea for little sleep, bad mood and low energy. But coffee can become a science: lots of milk, little milk, with or without sugar? The selection on the market is diverse. But what if we can offer you a brand that is not only a high performer in terms of taste, but is also good for your conscience and for charitable purposes?

Ripped and Roasted is a coffee project started by athletes for the functional sports community. True to the motto: "How much caffeine? Yes!” delivers Ripped and Roasted coffee from Robusta beans, which ensures new snatch PRs right at the start of the day. With 60 percent more caffeine than a normal bean used for espresso, you can literally feel the boost your body's tank is experiencing.

Ripped Roasted Coffee the engine coffee

Ripped and Roasted also focuses on sustainability wherever possible. 5% of sales are donated. This is how disadvantaged families benefit - the partial sales donation benefits the children and their education. And that's not all, the "product owners" Jessica and Thorben rely on fair trade: no long transport chains, no price dumping. The coffee is picked and conveyed by hand until it is processed regionally in a small roastery.

Power and a clear conscience in one? Check!

Ready to rumble: ahead with Nocco!

Are you Nocco enough? Athletes all over the world are asking themselves this question. The Swedish brand has managed to become a buzzword. Boxing relies on Nocco when things get sweaty: For example, when the class is supposed to test itself on Fran or Murph. Nocco is used when the beast mode burns out and the eyes widen.

Nocco BCAA Drink Wodstore

Nocco focuses on performance. Sugar free, full of BCAA's and vitamins. Blood Orange and Limòn del Sol provide you with fruity tastes, so that while the kettlebell is flying out of your hands, your head is already floating in the direction of the Caribbean.

To keep it short: fruity and functional? Fire free for the next workout!

fos BCAA: Unlimited boost in workouts

The caffeine grinds through your veins, your head connects to your heart: hype builds. The box goes up, even the Assault Bike doesn't look like the absolute agony it otherwise promises. You work away the first EMOMs as if they were nothing. But suddenly: the burglary. The energy is gone. Did you pace yourself wrong or just can't do it anymore today?

fos BCAA Drink Energy drink for functional fitness

One reason could be that you didn't have enough readily available energy. With fos BCAA this won't happen to you. BCAA from corn, fructose, lime flavor. All signs point to performance. The fructose keeps your circulation high, while the caffeine manifests the focus in the measure of an energy drink. Focus on success, the Fos motto, is not an empty phrase. In a can of Fos you'll find a fruit salad and part of your protein needs paired with a coffee that'll keep you on fire even in the next pull-up massacre. So your engine always runs at full speed - without caffeine breakdown after the workout.

FitAid: Cooldown made classy

Stable thanks to stevia, that's how you could describe the product mix from Fitaid: The recovery drink brings you and your body back into balance after a high level of performance.

FitAid Recovery Drink

1 gram of creatine is due per can: This way, power and pump are retained for a long time even after a cardio unit that writes life. Based on this, every FitAid is equipped with a vitamin cocktail, which in no way replaces a healthy diet, but it does support it as a rock. With a good portion of omega-3 your circulation is additionally supported.

FitAid ensures that your sore muscles may be weaker the next day, but that you emerge stronger from the workouts. FitAid is the perfect drink to round off a successful day so that you can give 110% again tomorrow.

Performance drinks at the Wodstore

Cooling down is essential, especially in summer. From tropical to ice-cold lime: The Wodstore is diverse. We are here for every everyday athlete and full-time athlete, regardless of personal favorite tastes and preferences. After all, drinks are like an unknown movement in a competition: it's better to try them once to know if they suit you!

Which drink do you celebrate the most? We are curious about your experiences.

1 comment

Danke für den Beitrag. Hab mich vor kurzem be euch durch die Drinks getestet. Mega, dass ihr jetzt auch einzelne Dosen zum bestellen anbietet. So kauft man nichts die Katze im Sack 🐱

Stefanie Meyer,

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